Saturday, January 12, 2008

Blair despair

Though it may sometimes strike you that we write about the first thing that comes into our heads, this is not so. Usually we write about the second. Often a post that one of us has written or proposed is vetoed by the other.

After Tony Blair betrayed our country to the European Union, and left office, he decided to convert to Catholicism. At the time Cat suspected an ulterior motive. The timing of the conversion was unusual - new members of the Church enter at Easter. Further Cat noted that the majority of Europe's population is Catholic. Anyone hoping to be President of the EU might well find his path smoother if he, too, were Catholic. However, the idea was so appalling that each of us separately spiked the post. However, the Telegraph’s just published report that Blair is seeking the EU presidency made us wonder.

This site is supposed to be about the best of the Brits and we often describe those men and women who are opposing the self-serving politicians who are selling out their country for their own advancement. Blair seems to fall into the latter category, but as we often have remarked the best of the Brits were often in a desperate struggle with the worst.

We have been writing about those who oppose the EU and the sinking of British freedom.

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