Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Galloway files Complaint with Parliamentary Ombudsman


John Galloway of Shropshire is one of the many, unsung people who are opposing the EU's takeover of Britain. John has filed a Complaint with the Parliamentary Ombudsman, declaring that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is being untruthful about the cause and effect of the new EU Constitution, which is masquerading as the Lisbon Treaty and will finally destroy Britain's sovereignty.

John has just reported that the Ombudsman is considering whether to investigate his Complaint, and has indicated that they will let him know within 40 working days from 3 January 2008. He should hear by the 28th of February whether they will proceed.

We are not sanguine, but it is essential that these actions are undertaken, and since they require energy and intelligence and dedication, we applaud John.

Anyone who wishes to make a similar Complaint, check out John's site.

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